The management software that runs the certificate authority (CA) at, or more precisely, is now open source. “vcert” is a web-based application written. . .
Category: Linux
ce – Certificate Examiner
This is a quick command-line utility for displaying information contained in an SSL certificates and CRLs. It is faster and easier to remember than the. . .
A Command-line Utility & Library to Fetch Revoked Serial Numbers from a Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
This functionality is not available in openssl’s comand line utility, so I cooked this up to do the job. The library function returns a Python. . .
A Collection of Handy Django Authentication Backends
This blog entry desribes three Django Authenticaon backends you can use instead of the default “django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend”. Below is a brief description of each. EmailBackend –. . .
Useful Tip for Port Forwarding Apache (or other Web Server)
Problem You are working on a remote web server where you do not have have access to view the web server’s content on port 80.. . .
Django Production Deployment: How to Make Apache2 mod_wsgi and virtualenv for Python Play Nice
Problem: You are a good little Python developer and you use virtualenv in your Python development. If you aren’t using virtualenv you’re doing it wrong.. . .
HTTPS / SSL Configuration Checklist
This blog entry describes how to configure mod_ssl on Ubuntu. This is designed as a quick reference for configuration. Make sure the “Common Name” is. . .
How to Encrypt an EBS Volume (Disk) on Amazon EC2
Problem: You are using Amazon EC2 cloud computer and you want to create an encrypted EBS volume to store sensitive data.For example, you may have. . .
Postgresql Setup on Ubuntu 10.10
Here is a little cheat sheet for getting Postgress setup on Ubuntu and creating an initial database and dtabase user. this will work if you. . .
Serving Django Admin Static Media Files with Apache WSGI on Ubuntu
Here is a quick and simple configuration code recipe to serve the admin static files in a production environment using modWSGI and Apache 2. Modify. . .