Videntity was awarded a contract with United Health Care to re-imagine provider login and provider APIs. Videntity will use a standards-based approach to help reduce. . .
Category: Uncategorized
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What is the difference between “FHIR Bulk Data” and “flat FHIR”?
What is the difference between “FHIR Bulk Data” and “Flat FHIR”? They are different names for the same thing! #HealthIT #FHIR
Announcing the DJmongo Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
We’ve made it much easier to get going with Djmongo by using a pre-built Amazon Machine Image (AMI). Here is a link to kick off. . .
Be Your Own DJ Winner Announced
Please congratulate Molly Gehring for trying out Djmongo during All Things Open 2016. Molly is a developer at the Office of Research Informatics at the. . .
Getting Quality-based Payment Models Right Means Replacing X12
Check out our guest blog post on quality-based payment models and the X12 standard: Getting Quality-based Payment Models Right Means Replacing X12 on the Zansor’s. . .
The Medicare Provider Directory API
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) recently released Medicare provider enrollment data contained in the “Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System” or “PECOS”. CMS. . .
Provider Directory Workshop Roundup
On April 5th and 6th, the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) and the Federal Health Architecture (FHA) held a workshop at MITRE in McLean. . .
The Direct Certificate Discovery RESTFul API
As part of my HHS Fellowship, I was asked by more than one stakeholder to perform some level of validation on the Direct email address.. . .
Return from Sabbatical
Alan Viars, founder and president of Videntity, has completed his appointment as an HHS External Entrepreneur at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). . .
A Collection of Handy Django Authentication Backends
This blog entry desribes three Django Authenticaon backends you can use instead of the default “django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend”. Below is a brief description of each. EmailBackend –. . .
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